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Wednesday, May 14, 2008



so gorgeous, Brett. I can't wait to eat there!


Holy cats -- it's almost too nice for our neighborhood. ;-) Very excited for the impending opening!!


Stunning, classy, inviting.
Uh. Party of six! Anita, Sean, Cookiecrumb and spouses. :D


Oooh! I love doug fir! So beautiful!

p.s. Cookie, make that eight. ;-)


That is a swass store front!

You give great hope to others who are daunted at the idea of transforming a dull storefront.

Who would have thought!? From computer store to beautiful restaurant!

Keep it going!


Lovely! How exciting...

Be sure and have your architects tell you what maintenance is required to the stain/finish. Doug Fir is a soft wood - and all wood finishes oxidize and or fade in the sun. So regular maintenance is required to keep them looking top-notch. You should plan it into your annual budget.


Will stain and oil for food. Have references. ;)


Will stain and oil for food. Have references. ;)

Doug C

looks great!

przepisy kulinarne

I like to cook very at home. Cool fun. Like me. Thanks. Greetings from Poland.

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sardines defined

  • sar·dine (n) 1. a young herring or similar small fish. 2. a metaphor for the small and often less well-known ingredients, restaurants, farmers, and artisans that San Francisco-based chef Brett Emerson writes about in this website.
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