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Wednesday, July 12, 2006


David L

Can't wait to read more, Brett!

I have a friend who's a good cook, who's thinking about opening a catering business (he now works in the tech field, ie: high-paying desk job). I told him that perhaps he should work for a caterer on the weekends, to see if he likes that kind of work.

He replied, "Oh, I don't want to work on weekends!"

So hopefully, your restaurant will only be open when you feel like it.
And you can have weekends and evenings off!

(BTW: Are Brokers like Fokkers?)


biting my nails in anticipation.


Brett -- I missed the first installment back when it was first posted, but I just read it and can't wait to hear more. Best wishes to you in your search, and I look forward to dining at your restaurant the moment that it's open!

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sardines defined

  • sar·dine (n) 1. a young herring or similar small fish. 2. a metaphor for the small and often less well-known ingredients, restaurants, farmers, and artisans that San Francisco-based chef Brett Emerson writes about in this website.
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