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Saturday, March 04, 2006



That looks delicious. I've been thinking of experimenting with different types of Spanish tortilla as well - I'll definitely have to try this. I love Full Belly Farm! I used to be a member when I lived in Berkeley, and we featured it prominently in our documentary, The Future of Food. They're great people. I'm also a big fan of garlic greens - I usually make some sort of pesto with them. Thanks for the great post!


Is this made with 2 cups uncooked beans (= +/- 3 cups cooked)? Seems like a lot. Or is it 2 cups after they've been cooked.

Looks yummy!


Silversara, I really enjoyed seeing the Future of Food. That's very cool that you were involved in that. Green garlic pesto is a great idea.

Diane, thanks for keeping me on my toes. I don't know about you, but I often find recipe writing quite a challenge! I edited the recipe to clarify that I do indeed mean 2 cups cooked beans, not 3.


Now I have to make some too, there are Italian variations on this theme that are quite good. Thanks Brett for reminding me amout it! And for the nice writing!


Nice website! I’ve just found your website by chance. I’m Catalan and I like cooking, so I had to read it. Omelets are a very common dish for us and there are lots of different versions to cook it, as you mentioned. It was a pleasure to read the “When is a trout not a trout?”. I’ll read more about your website later. If you allow me, just little correction: the plural of “truita” is “truites” (with “e” instead of “a”). Best wishes,



That toritilla looks terrific. Next time try the fried zuccini or aubergine tortillas, they're delicious too.


I love these in their many variations. The bean one is new to me, must try it.I think they are really best at room temperature, and love to bring wedges to work for lunch.


That looks delicious Brett. It takes a real chef to make a decent omelette-well done:) That looks better than anything I've had in a restaurant!


Beans are such a good idea. I am impressed with the shape and form of your omelet! They can be so fickle. Yours is gorgeous.


really good form on the omelet. man, i am finding beans everywhere!


This looks absolutely scrumptious!

Venkatesh Iyer

This really looks very delicious. Nice way of presentation.

Clint Eagar

This recipe actually sounds pretty dang good, normally I dispise eating trout, but this recipe almost makes me want to give it a go!

Kim Potter

My family loves trout, really all fish. I'm gonna make this as soon as I can. I'll let you how they liked it.


Clint and Kim, thanks for your thoughtful comments after your obviously careful reading of this post.


What an interesting combination! I can't wait to see consistancy of the eggs with beans. I love the simplicity of the ingredients too!

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  • sar·dine (n) 1. a young herring or similar small fish. 2. a metaphor for the small and often less well-known ingredients, restaurants, farmers, and artisans that San Francisco-based chef Brett Emerson writes about in this website.
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