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Sunday, August 28, 2005



With every fiber of my being, I wish I were in Almeria right now. The heat, the food, the people, it is my idea of the happiest place on earth. Where else can you get fried almonds just for ordering a beer, and fried anchovies just for ordering another. Sigh.


Hi Brett.

Thanks so much for participating in this IMBB! Your dish looks amazing and has my mouth watering for perfectly fried fish now. Great job and glad you could be part of this month's event.

Fish Fryer

Great post.I found you by default when looking for sites relating to fish fryers of all things; your blog makes for a really lovely and interesting read and the dishes look great.

I shall return.


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sardines defined

  • sar·dine (n) 1. a young herring or similar small fish. 2. a metaphor for the small and often less well-known ingredients, restaurants, farmers, and artisans that San Francisco-based chef Brett Emerson writes about in this website.
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