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Wednesday, June 15, 2005



Hi Brett!

I followed your link from the Brain Masala comment you left on chowhound. I like your supercool site. I'll hop back again soon.



I never knew sardines could be described so romantically!


Brett - wow, you desribed almost exactly a supper I had in a tiny alleyway of Barcelona with my own wife. After a lifetime of oily, canned sardines, sardinas a la plancha were like a divine revelation. Salud!


I'm so glad I stumbled into this blog. I love your sardine story. I too had my first proper sardine last year (in Portugal) and was overwhelmed with the experience after years of the canned ones. I wrote about them on my very first post.

Tamara Plath

Well, I have never read a blog before... believe it or not. I was looking for an explanation of bo-lay tea, when I came across your site. I grew up in Hong Kong and loved your description of Yum-Cha (Dim Sum).

It is difficult to appreciate food here in the States, at least while living in a small city in the Midwest. People around here generally stick to whatever is white and creamy (that's the current theory). Orange and yellow foods like carrots, cheese and mustard are acceptable too. It gets pretty boring. I have a friend that actually thinks that I'm adventurous for adding pepper to fried eggs. I thought it was necessary.

Don’t I sound stuck up? Anyway, thanks for waking up my senses with your wonderful descriptions of food.


john jonna

I am a novice foodie in the wine buisness in the detroit area, and i love sardines fo all types. I am intrigued and interested by your site and am looking for all things sardine. jj the wine guy


I am a sardine lover. One of my memorable meals was at a small restaurant in Gerona, Spain, El Cul de Leona where the menu was handwritten on a blackboard. I ordered steamed sardines with potatoes in a lemony broth. Scrumptious!

Charles Kruger

Smorgasblog! A permanent addition to my vocabulary. Thank you very much.


Sardines at Spain, the best.
Really are you vegetarian? hehe
After proving the sardines...


With so many bloggers raving about the sardinas a la plancha, are you willing to share detailed instructions on how to prepare? I live in the Midwest and the chances of my physically experiencing "your" lovely Spain are nil. However, I would love to try my inexperienced hand at sardinas a la plancha. Thank you so much!!


i actually think i love you.


definitely love grilled sardines.
love my spanish wife (asturias) more.
where can i buy her fresh sardines in the bay area??? she raves about the grilled sardines on the beach in Gijon...


From one who is addicted to even the gnarliest tinned sardines of dubious provenance, bathed in hot chili oil, mustard, tomato sauce, or (gasp) water, I am intrigued to hear they can be even better. Write on!


I love sardines too, I lived in N. Africa for r 4 years, and ejoyed fresh sardines, which I fried and then made a sauce of oil, vinegar, hot peppers and onions...Oh\' so good". But I am from the caribbean so fry fish (snapper) was my favourites of any fish until I had freshly caught sardines....keep up the good work...Oh how I wish we could get such wonderful food here.
You have to be on guard always about fish bought in the supermarkets..always I never venture near the fish counter in any markets...always refrozen etc.

rob hurst

Hi Brett
Recently returned from a week in Catalonia my taste buds are still savouring a lunch of salty grilled sardines. Reading Taras Grescoe's excellent book "Bottomfeeder" has further convinced me of the other good reasons for eating this tasty fish. Enjoyed stumbling onto your blog and following the restaurant-opening story. I look forward to checking in. Good luck with your venture. rob_toronto

Sara L.

Hey Brett, next time you come to Europe remember to spend a few days in Portugal... if you loved sardines the way you described, wait until you try the Portuguese ones ;-) Here we call them "sardinhas assadas" and we have a saying that goes something like "Let me put the hot coal next to my sardine"; which is used in cases when we try to make a stand or defend something we believe in... just like I'm doing now! :o)))


I certainly DO like sardines - they're lovely! I especially like the fresh ones, but the canned ones are great too! Im a bit of a fish-head and love all different types of fish, but must admit that sardines are definitely one of my favourites :o) xx

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sardines defined

  • sar·dine (n) 1. a young herring or similar small fish. 2. a metaphor for the small and often less well-known ingredients, restaurants, farmers, and artisans that San Francisco-based chef Brett Emerson writes about in this website.
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